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Updated: Jan 16

You’ve probably heard people ask, “What do I do next?” The truth is, you’ve already been born with everything you need. It’s within you. You don’t have to search for it—you just need to be discipled into who you are.

You’ve been born with your identity. Created by God, formed in His image, and made in His likeness, everything you need is already inside of you. It’s not about obtaining something new; it’s about revealing what’s already there.

I had this realization in a powerful way on Saturday when I got born again. Yes, I was already born again, but this time it felt like a renewal—a fresh encounter with God. I found myself saying, “My goodness, God, I repent for being so busy that I’ve lost sight of You.”

So often, I fill my life with busyness, and if I’m honest, much of it stems from fear. Fear of people’s expectations. Everyone seems to have an opinion about how I should relate to God—how I should pray, worship, or serve. It’s as if there’s this invisible standard, and when I don’t meet it, I start to question my worth. Maybe it’s rooted in my own sense of insignificance.

But then God spoke to me: “You’re doing fine the way you are.”

I wrestled with that. I said, “But God, I’m not spending hours in a prayer closet!” And He replied, “You’re talking to Me all day long.”

That hit me. I realized that even when I’m not physically in a quiet room, my heart is still with Him. My office has become my secret place. My conversations with Him throughout the day are my prayers.

And you know what? I’m loving God right now, and it’s working for me. But here’s where we often get it wrong—we’re so quick to judge others in their walk with Him.

“I don’t think you had a real encounter with God. Did you pray in tongues?” Of course, I did! But here’s the thing—stop challenging people. Instead, love them into it. Teach them. Show them how to grow.

Let them experience Jesus as their personal Savior—not as your Savior, but as their Savior. We get so caught up in trying to make others feel like they have to experience what we’ve experienced. But no, they need to encounter Jesus for themselves.

So open your heart and your mind to Him. Invite others to do the same. Don’t base your relationship with Jesus on someone else’s experience, and don’t expect others to build their relationship on yours. Everyone needs their own personal connection with Him.


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