I Got sick Sept 3rd 2021and was at home sick till the 24th. During these days things got bad to the point of even the fear of going to the bathroom.
Some Spiritual thoughts:
Sometimes we don't know when we are lacking what we're lacking. So, in this case, fear grips the unknown and makes it hard to function. I would relate this to the lack of love/oxygen within the body of Christ.
Is this so true in our walk with Jesus/God? We may be hurt by past hurts with trauma due to troubles in life, and it catches up with us not knowing why we feel so attacked physically or mentally. In my case, it was oxygen which = love in the body of Christ, many times we don’t realize that we are lacking something. When I got sick, I thought I was recovering then slowly I was losing oxygen levels and didn’t even think twice that it was that. This is what happens when we lack something on which our life depends. We try everything to find the problem, but things get worse.
Fear of simple things taking place and becoming a threat to our minds and our lives. I had a fear I wouldn't make it out of the bathroom, my oxygen was so low that it felt like that was the end. I had Mary keep an eye on me.
In the same way, when we lack, we start thinking people are against us or people are trying to control us and think our reasoning is true. We break trusted relationships of family and friends. Then we start all over, where there could have been a relationship adjustment instead of leaving a relationship that can’t be replaced. It’s hard to say we need help because it is a process of healing that is not always fun, it is easier to start over again with new people in your life, in a few years it will trigger again, and you’ll be starting from the same place.
When we lack love or whatever we lack we fight for our lives even if it hurts people close to us. When I came out of the Hospital felt God was saying let my people know your stubbornness is holding back your health, trust your God that He leads you and never leaves you, always safe in His arms, so go be in health as your soul prospers 3 John 1:2. >Apostle George Blatz